24 Dec Prof. Dr. Saud chaid & teacher assistant Haider Abbas taking part in a scientific conference in Algeria
Prof. Dr. Saud chaid & teacher assistant Haider Abbas Abd in the Faculty of Administration and Economics taking- part at the second scientific conference (local governance and development) in Mohammed Bashir Ibrahimi University in the Republic of Algeria.
He noted Prof. Dr. Saud Jade that his participation was through scientific research titled (e-governance and the extent of its application in Iraq), adding that participation was quite welcome by those in charge of the conference.
For his part, Assistant Lecturer Haider Abbas Abdul that his participation through research titled (relationship governance quality audit and its effects on the fight against financial and administrative corruption system), adding that the college representatives met on the sidelines of the conference the President of the University and Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, who eternally ready Algerian League for cooperation with the University of Muthanna and college professors in scientific and research fields.
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