محاسبة3 (1)

General conditions for admission to universities, colleges and institutes Iraqi

A student who is required to accept in Iraqi universities and institutes must be:

1. Iraqi citizenship.

2. Iraqi-winning high school diploma, reinforced by the ratification of the Directorate General of education in the province or the equivalent certificate.

3. successful in the medical examination in accordance with the conditions of each study and student may blind in which the introduction of appropriate conditions for the Humanities presentation is available through the Blind Association and can be by the medical committee at the university.

4. The age of the applicant central to accept no more than 24-year-old born in any of 1989, and up and over the age of 24 years are entitled to a presentation evening colleges or civil.

5. graduates: –

A-school year (2014-2015).

(B) the academic year (2013-2014). Not admitted to any college or institute in Iraq, whether formal (morning or afternoon) or civil and be admitted according to the minimum limits for the year they graduate.

6. full-time study is not permissible combination of function and study in colleges and institutes morning.

7. submit the form is not bound to accept the student as the final acceptance depends on his rivalry with the rest of the students in accordance with the rules in force.

8. In the first half of graduates secondary Islamic affiliated to the Ministry of Education entitled him admission to the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad and Mosul University and the Faculty of Theology at the University of Kufa and the Faculty of Sharia at Tikrit University and the Islamic University and the College of Quranic Studies at the University of Babylon and the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala and the Faculty of Science Islamist / Fallujah at the University of Anbar, and are entitled to apply for admission to the sections Arabic language, history and literature in education and the faculties of Basic Education colleges.

9. graduates of vocational schools the morning or evening to allow them to Apply technical education, to be determined by their acceptance of the plan in accordance with the acceptance requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and ratios will be competition among the students on the basis of the competitive average.

10 of the top five from each discipline of the graduates of junior high professional nominations morning at the Ministry of Education to be successful in the first round and the authorities designated to send lists of their names and their schools and their provinces.

11. Students (top) of the graduates of institutes Viqubl 10% of them in the corresponding colleges to their terms of reference and performs the central nomination acceptance covered by them.